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Daily Archives: May 17, 2020

Eat Healthy for Less: Using Coupons and Bargain Shopping Does Not Mean Forgoing Healthy Options!

Eat Healthy for Less: Using Coupons and Bargain Shopping Does Not Mean Forgoing Healthy Options!

Eat Healthy for Less: Using Coupons and Bargain Shopping Does Not Mean Forgoing Healthy Options!Using coupons and shopping sales at your local grocery store does not mean you have to forego healthy options. There are plenty of ways to eat healthy foods and save money at the same time. Don’t fall into the fallacy that to eat cheap is to eat unhealthy. Sure you can get a ten pack of hot dogs for $.99 and boxes of macaroni and cheese for $.59. But, you can find healthy foods at great prices as well. Here is how you can save money at the grocery store and still make healthy choices.

Coupons, Coupons, Coupons! Coupons exist for great healthy foods as well as the not so healthy ones. Brands such as Cascadian Farms, Stonyfield Farms, Organic Valley, Horizon Organic, and many more feature coupons in Sunday circulars or have printable coupons on their websites. Don’t assume that organic and health food aisle foods don’t have coupons. Many of these healthy brands do offer coupons and when combined with a store sale can allow you to get these products for a great price. Also, be sure to sign up for coupon offers with your specific local grocery story. Large grocery store chains such as Kroger regularly send out special coupons just for organic items, dairy products, and produce.

Buy Sale Produce Only. Instead of planning your grocery list around your meals, try planning your meals around what produce you can find on sale at your local grocery store. Each store has a few produce items each week that are on super sale. Purchase these items and save a lot of money, then plan your meals around the items you have purchased. Only pay full price for produce on the extreme occasion that you are preparing a special dish.

Seek Out a “Bent and Dent.” Many areas have surplus grocery stores, often called “bent and dent” retailers. These small, often messy and unorganized, stores have overstock items, items that have been slightly damaged, and items that were shipped from stores that closed. Often shoppers can find great deals on organic and difficult to find grocery items at these stores. Don’t be turned off by the poor outward appearance—these places can be a gold mine for savvy shoppers. Just make sure you read the expiration dates carefully before purchasing.

Shop More Often. While shopping more often isn’t always an option for busy families, hitting the grocery store twice a …