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Daily Archives: May 21, 2020

Best Parenting Advice Ever About Kids and Homework

Best Parenting Advice Ever About Kids and Homework

Best Parenting Advice Ever About Kids and HomeworkYou did homework, so did your spouse, so did every kid you have ever known. So, chances are your kids will have to do homework too. But now you are looking at homework from a totally new perspective. You are no longer the one struggling with the assignment or possibly looking for a way out of it all together. Instead you are trying to find good reasons why your child should commit himself or herself readily to the nightly stack of books. You may feel like you have tried everything. After all you’ve done the lectures, the grounding, the cutting off of cell phone privileges. How else does a parent get children to do their homework anyhow? Possibly some of the best parenting advice ever about kids and homework will help you over this necessary hurdle of parenthood.

  1.  Setting the Stage The best parenting advice ever about kids and homework starts where most good drama does with the setting. Kids are no different than adults when it comes to concentration, so when it’s time to sit down and do some serious homework they need a serious setting where they can settle in and get the job done. For the youngest of students this may simply mean clearing off an end of the kitchen table, turning off the television in the adjoining room and making sure there is sufficient light. But for older children a little more care may need to be given.

Children may work best tucked away in their own room with the understanding that while they are working on homework the phone, television and any head banging music is off limits. If they share a room with a sibling, then setting up a reasonable use schedule may need some parental facilitation. Non studying siblings need to be somewhere else if they prove a distraction. Studying together at the same time in the same place is possible but depends upon the nature of the students and can only be determined through trial and error.

Kids who are middle school aged or older may occasionally find the need to use the school or public library for assignments. As parents you need to make sure on your own or with the help of a carpool to see that such a setting can be provided. Where ever they study kids need the correct equipment to succeed. Home study areas should always have …