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Six Ways to Keep Your Feet Healthy

Six Ways to Keep Your Feet HealthyAre your feet suffering from neglect? If so, revive them now through basic care. In just a few minutes a week, you can improve their current condition and keep them healthy. Remember, you need your feet to be in good shape, so they can take you where you want to go for years to come.

1- Clip your toes properly. Clip your toes properly in order to prevent hangnails and discomfort. Cut them straight across and don’t round out the edges. Then, follow-up with a file to smooth out any jagged ridges.

2- Slough off the rough edges. Got cracked feet? Keep your feet healthy by smoothing them out by sloughing off the rough edges with a pumice stone. Rub the edges and bottoms of your feet with this accessory right after you take a shower or bath, when your feet are moist and dead skin easy to remove.

3- Wear shoes with wide ends. Pointy shoes are cute and stylish, but they don’t do your feet justice. Because of the lack of room, you can get corns and further aggravate foot defects like hammertoes. So, opt for shoes with wide ends; enough room for your toes to breathe, move and spread out. These kinds of shoes aren’t always fashionable, but they will extend the life of your feet.

4- Invest into Dr. Scholl’s gels. Dr. Scholl’s has been keeping their customers feet healthy for years. This company has a variety of products that fit into your shoes and give you extra support. One of them is their massaging gel inserts. Slide these inserts into your shoes and feel like you’re walking on air. They make up for poorly shod shoes and low arches.

5- Slather your feet with lotion. Take care of the dry skin on your feet that makes them prone to redness and itchiness with moisturizing lotion. Spend money on an expensive brand created just for your feet or save money by missing a cheap brand with Vaseline. Then, rub in vigorously in order to penetrate your skin.

6- Address any issues immediately. Keep your feet healthy by addressing any issues with them immediately. If your feet start to hurt suddenly or have bulges in the wrong place, see a podiatrist. You could have a medical condition that when addressed right away could be reversed. Therefore, don’t wait to get treatment because the more time that passes the more time, money and effort you’ll spend trying to resolve your problem.

Ready to go to work on your feet? Get more details on how to care for them by visiting At this Web site, you can get answers to more questions about foot care.