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Parenting Mysteries: You Brought Home Baby - Now What?

Parenting Mysteries: You Brought Home Baby – Now What?

Parenting Mysteries: You Brought Home Baby - Now What?Here you are, a brand new parent and proud as can be. You brought home your little bundle of joy, and you are simply awed and amazed at how perfect this little human being is. The odds are pretty good that you could spend hours just staring at this little person. At some point, however, you might be wondering just exactly what you are supposed to do now. After all, you are supposed to be playing, reading, and doing a host of other activities to ensure that your little baby is off to a good start, right?

Relax! The very first week, your baby will probably spend much of its time eating, sleeping, and filling up its diapers. Young infants such as these do not do much playing. As a matter of fact, the odds are pretty good that the little one will not care if you read Mother Goose, the book of Revelation, or War and Peace out loud. What does matter is that you interact with your baby.

These early interactions should take the form of skin on skin contact, if at all possible. Even without the skin to skin contact, your baby will love to just be held in your arms, hear your voice as you speak or sing, and just gaze into your eyes. You two are getting to know each other face to face, and while this interaction may seem like it is not leading to too much, it is extremely important and valuable!

You should never be too busy to snuggle with your baby, respond to its cries, speak and sing to the little one, and just take the time to imitate its little coos as you make eye contact. The dishes can wait, the toilet does not have to be scrubbed right this minute, and the letters can wait another day to be mailed out. What cannot wait is the golden opportunity to get to know your baby. At this point in time, this is the most important aspect of parenting. Soon enough the baby’s interests will branch out to include other people, toys, and other items she or he will be able to grasp; yet, at the beginning, it is just the two of you enjoying each other’s company. So do not worry about what you should do once you brought home your child. It will let you know when it is …

Ryan Reynolds: Whales, Women and Workouts

Ryan Reynolds: Whales, Women and Workouts

Ryan Reynolds: Whales, Women and WorkoutsLately it seems you can’t go anywhere without hearing about actor Ryan Reynolds, People Magazine’s 2010 Sexiest Man Alive.

At the end of 2010, Reynolds and his wife of two years, Scarlett Johansson, announced their breakup, and since that time he’s been linked with Sandra Bullock as well as stunning actress, Charlize Theron.

In December, Reynolds said he was very happy to “not be in a relationship,” though now rumors are flying about that he and Johannson are reuniting once again. Ah, the life of the “sexiest man” must not be easy. If he and Scarlett do get back together, it’s bound to be an uphill battle.

Reynolds is said to have broken things off with Theron because she was looking to settle down and have children, yet the reason for Ryan’s divorce from Scarlet was because she wanted a career and he wanted a family. Perhaps it’s just Scarlett that he wants a family with, though the actor has been quite busy with his own Hollywood career as of late.

The film “The Whale” was co-produced by the husband and wife team of Reynolds and Johannson. It follows the story of an orca named Luna, who became separated from her family when she was young. The story takes place off the coast of Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, the province where Reynolds was born and raised. The film will be coming to theaters in September.

Reynolds is also starring in the movie “The Change-Up,” a comedy that was released just last week, co-starring Jason Bateman. The film is about two friends who ended up leading opposite lives; one who is married with a family and living a stressful life as an overworked attorney (played by Bateman), and the other living the high life as a single man (Ryan Reynolds).

Just six weeks earlier, the Green Lantern movie was released, with Reynolds in the lead role. It’s got to be hard to find time to keep up with his personal life with such a busy career.

Reynolds somehow also finds time to keep his incredible body in shape. Ryan says he attributes most of his results to nutrition, but the actor is also known to run marathons, do yoga, pilates, kick-boxing and even gymnastics. Of course, he has also done quite a bit of weight lifting, obvious from looking at those impressive muscles, including a sculpted six-pack.

Even if Ryan …

Everlast Home Gym

Everlast Home Gym

Everlast Home GymAfter having my baby, I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror. I had gotten flabby in areas that didn’t look good in clothes and I just didn’t feel good about what I had become. So I looked online for a home gym that I could afford and that would actually work. It took me about two weeks for me to find something but it finally happened.

Sports Authority had the Everlast home gym for $99 with free shipping. Before I bought the Everlast Home Gym, I did my research and made sure it was the right buy for me. I figured since the Everlast Home Gym had 60 different exercises, why not get it? There had to be something I could get out of the Everlast home gym right?

When I recieved the Everlast home gym in the mail, I was totally excited to open the box and get started. I dreaded having to put it together but realized when I opened the box that it was already assembled!

The Everlast Home Gym came with six different accessories to work out with, along with a total home gym book and dvd. I was a bit overwhelmed with everything I was looking at in the beginning but once I got comfortable I was ready to go.

The thing I liked about the Everlast home gym is that it was portable and didn’t take up much room. It’s an all in one gym. So everything involves the gym and the gym only. The Everlast total gym is capable of working on every part of your body, there is an exercise for any goal you may have, which for $99 isn’t bad.

I personally have intentions on working on my stomach, legs and arms. But if you have the desire to work on your back, shoulders, or calves then you are more than able to do so with the Everlast Home Gym.

The Everlast Home Gym is more like a weight lifting system. It has an adjustable knob that allows you to choose the weight’s tension. It’s been about a month and I can already see results from using the Everlast Home Gym. My abs are becoming less flabby and my legs are becoming a lot tighter.

Since the Everlast Home Gym is a fairly new buy, I will have to keep a sharp eye on my results. But I …

The Darth Vader Chronicles - the Darth Workout

The Darth Vader Chronicles – the Darth Workout

The Darth Vader Chronicles - the Darth Workout

Darth Vader from Star Wars really had his things together. So much so, he made ”The Darth Workout.” The highlight of The Darth Workout is the one finger workout where Darth gives you the middle finger with one hand while he does a middle, one finger push-up with the other hand, coupled with the deep-belly evil chuckle that Dr. Evil from Austin Powers is all too familiar with.

Hoo-hahahaha, Hoo-hahahaha, Hoo-hahahaha.

Actually Darth has first rights to that evil chuckle. He was around while Dr. Evil was still a baby. Darth loves showing off, doesn’t he. Well c’mon people, it is pretty impressive. But then Darthy here is from the Dark side, so anything is possible.

Oh, and Darth has decided to add some more ”Darth and Dangerous” techniques to The Darth Workout, using his infamous middle finger all the way. I think it makes him feel better if he secretly gives you the salute, and that evil chuckle. There is the one finger break dancing, one finger chin-ups, one finger hand-stand, one finger bicep and triceps curls, and one finger shoulder press.

Darth has even opened up his own health and fitness center called Darth Fitness with the legendary Darth Workout.

Darth thought he could run the center himself, you know, with ”the power” thing and all, but he later realized he could not be everywhere at once, and believe me he was doing it and doing quite well, until, well, he called on some of his storm troopers, who you could not tell one from the other.

Darth is so popular at his own fitness center, and yes he loves it, because if he did not get that attention, well, he’d kill you with a one finger zap. He even wanted to do the aerobic classes as well. Darth gets a bit carried away at the aerobics classes. He’ll either perve behind his mask with ”Call on Me” by Eric Prydz playing in the background, chuckle to himself with that evil Dr. Evil chuckle, give a sneaky zap, or get in some unanswered middle one finger workouts.

Well, that’s Darth (class) for today, people.…

Seniors Implementing Chair WorkOuts for Better Health

Seniors Implementing Chair WorkOuts for Better Health

Seniors Implementing Chair WorkOuts for Better HealthSeniors Implementing Chair WorkOuts for Better Health

Everyone needs to exercise, it does not matter how old you are. Exercise is good for people of all ages and sizes. As the body begins to age it is more important to implement a good exercise program. Keeping your body active is the way to a healthier you. Therefore, it is imperative to implement a great exercise program. Chair exercises are a great beginning for seniors to get their bodies healthy. Exercising can improve cognitive behavior, pain relief, and can help with blood circulation. It is recommended individuals exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

Those starting an exercise program should begin working out their upper body first. Your head is an excellent place to start. You will need a straight back chair for these exercises. Sit up straight in the chair with your feet flat on the floor. You will then move your head slowly from side to side. Repeat this for as many times as you desire. Next, try lowering your head to your chest area. This is a chin to chest exercise. You can repeat this exercise as many times as you desire.

Now, it is time to work out your arms. Hold your arms out to the side. Rotate your arms, make circular movements. Rotate your arms forward, then switch and rotate them backwards. You can count in sets or just count each time you rotate your arms. It is a great way to build up muscle tone in your arms.

Some individuals like air boxing. It is just like it sounds. Individuals can make an exercise out of boxing into the air. Make a fist with your hand, and then punch the air. Individuals can switch hands or punch with both hands. This can be done as many times as you desire. It is fun and great way to work out your upper body.

Another great exercise is to extend your legs out in front of you, hold them there, and then lower them. Repeat this for as many times as you desire. After you are done with both legs, try lifting one leg at a time.

All of these exercises can be performed in sets. If you are having trouble getting starting with your exercise program, consider getting a buddy. Exercising with someone can make exercising more enjoyable.

As with starting any exercises it is important to discuss your plans with your …

Best Gourmet Food Shops in San Diego

Best Gourmet Food Shops in San Diego

Best Gourmet Food Shops in San DiegoSince your cravings for gourmet cheese and wine never cease, it’s probably a good idea to find only the best gourmet food shops to satisfy your needs. San Diego is home to a range of gourmet restaurants and markets, but the specialty gourmet food stores are a great place to round up the area’s finest goods. From fresh fish and produce, to specialty desserts and wine, here’s where you’ll find the city’s best:

A trip to the bakery is even better when you can count on gourmet cookies, brownies, and a lineup of specialty sandwiches; Con Pane Rustic Breads & Café delivers all of this and more, with a bustling take out counter or sidewalk tables to enjoy the downtown view. Starting off the day with a croissant or cinnamon roll is sure to get things going on a positive note. Head here for lunch, or just a snack; this is a neighborhood bakery that has quickly become a local favorite. Call (619) 224-4344 for the day’s sandwich specials, or stop in at 1110 Rosecrans Street for your sweet treat.

Sunday mornings are filled with the buzz of great food at the Hillcrest Farmer’s Market on Lincoln Street. The eco-friendly community here brings forward some of the best organic food around; it’s farmer’s market haven with fresh fruit, locally baked goods, and plenty of vegetables for those healthy lunches. This is the place to indulge in gourmet tastes with fresh honey, chocolate, and fresh jam or preserves. The market takes place rain or shine and will quickly become a part of your weekend activities.

If you’re on the hunt for the perfect cheese board, make your way to Venissimo Cheese, a gourmet cheese shop that rounds up cheese from countries around the world. Rare varieties are their specialty, so don’t be afraid to ask for a specific type; the hosts and owners are always eager to tell as story, and the shop has become famous for stocking some of the finest cheese products and gourmet foods of the world. This shop is located at 754 W. Washington Street in San Diego, and it’s open every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

When you need a wine accompaniment to your gourmet meal, head to Wine Steals for one of the largest selections of classic and reserve wine. The store also hosts tasting classes and special events throughout the week, …

How to Make Healthy Meals Even If You're Busy

How to Make Healthy Meals Even If You're Busy

How to Make Healthy Meals Even If You're BusyMost people nowadays are not able to control what they eat. They gain extra pounds due to eating out too much, and with it are some spending issues. But when you have an extremely hectic schedule, no one can blame you for having such eating lifestyle. Or is it really the case?

There’s still hope for you and your family to have a healthier lifestyle, even if there isn’t much time for you to plan about it. Here are six suggestions that can help you:

  1. If you don’t have any budget to go out to eat, the next best thing you can do is do an online search for “top secret recipes” or “copy cat recipes”. Doing some brand-name foods at home with the use of common ingredients will save you a lot of money and your cravings will always be met.
  2. If there are dishes you can do on your own, then you shouldn’t be tempted to buy entire meals of take-out. You can prepare an inexpensive homemade dish and then stop by your local restaurant and order something you may not be able to prepare at home. It’s a great way to save some money and time to enjoy a great meal.
  3. Look for a family in your neighborhood who would agree for a weekly meal exchange. It’s a fun way to save some extra cash and at the same time to get to know your neighbors better. Give it a try for a couple of months. You will eventually see the time and energy you are able to save, only that you have to prepare more than what you used to. Just make sure to plan about the expenses first before starting.
  4. Ever heard of meal preparation services? It’s a new trend right now, where you are able to prepare a meal someplace else, and not at your home. Dream Dinners, which is now in 37 states, claims to eliminate your menu planning, prep-work, shopping and cleanup. Although it may cost more compared to preparing meals at home, it is still significantly cheaper compared to eating out. The cost shouldn’t worry you too much though, as the meals are much more nutritious.
  5. Meal planning may be something you can hardly squeeze in your schedule, but getting organized can be of great help. Find out if you can possibly prepare a double batch of something and freeze half
Six Ways to Keep Your Feet Healthy

Six Ways to Keep Your Feet Healthy

Six Ways to Keep Your Feet HealthyAre your feet suffering from neglect? If so, revive them now through basic care. In just a few minutes a week, you can improve their current condition and keep them healthy. Remember, you need your feet to be in good shape, so they can take you where you want to go for years to come.

1- Clip your toes properly. Clip your toes properly in order to prevent hangnails and discomfort. Cut them straight across and don’t round out the edges. Then, follow-up with a file to smooth out any jagged ridges.

2- Slough off the rough edges. Got cracked feet? Keep your feet healthy by smoothing them out by sloughing off the rough edges with a pumice stone. Rub the edges and bottoms of your feet with this accessory right after you take a shower or bath, when your feet are moist and dead skin easy to remove.

3- Wear shoes with wide ends. Pointy shoes are cute and stylish, but they don’t do your feet justice. Because of the lack of room, you can get corns and further aggravate foot defects like hammertoes. So, opt for shoes with wide ends; enough room for your toes to breathe, move and spread out. These kinds of shoes aren’t always fashionable, but they will extend the life of your feet.

4- Invest into Dr. Scholl’s gels. Dr. Scholl’s has been keeping their customers feet healthy for years. This company has a variety of products that fit into your shoes and give you extra support. One of them is their massaging gel inserts. Slide these inserts into your shoes and feel like you’re walking on air. They make up for poorly shod shoes and low arches.

5- Slather your feet with lotion. Take care of the dry skin on your feet that makes them prone to redness and itchiness with moisturizing lotion. Spend money on an expensive brand created just for your feet or save money by missing a cheap brand with Vaseline. Then, rub in vigorously in order to penetrate your skin.

6- Address any issues immediately. Keep your feet healthy by addressing any issues with them immediately. If your feet start to hurt suddenly or have bulges in the wrong place, see a podiatrist. You could have a medical condition that when addressed right away could be reversed. Therefore, don’t wait to get treatment because the more time that …

The Spare Fat in Popular Foods

The Spare Fat in Popular Foods

The Spare Fat in Popular Foods

High living on tasty foods that fill you up can put on extra pounds. Any American without a careful plan to stick to healthy fat counts might go too far in the pursuit of pleasure. Keeping a sharp eye on what is in the foods you like is a reliable way to knock the rich foods off the list.

Convenient Courses

Some courses that you can prepare in minutes come with the sacrifice of high fat counts. One small chicken pot pie has over 23 grams, and one frozen meat and vegetable pizza serving, 11. Putting potato salad on the side adds 20. A potato fried in oil until it becomes crispy hash browns is soaked with near 20. For a person who eats largely fatty convenience foods, the meals in one day can add the grams up to above a careful limit of 60 to 75.

Butter and Oils

A small amount of butter and oils give you plenty of fat grams. Largely fat, one tablespoon butter has more than 11. The alternative is not not better, margarine also has more than 11. You might even do worse by choosing a vegetable oil instead. The common corn oil many people use to cook adds 13.6.

Sauces and Dressings

The fixings can raise the calorie count above what your body can use for energy. A trim salad can move into the fatty category when French salad dressing is poured on top. One tablespoon has close to 90 calories from fat in 9.83 grams. The truly rich topping , homemade white sauce, exceeds 235 calories.

Fast Foods

For a professional on the run, fast foods offer quick calories. They also give you plenty of fat. A hamburger, onion rings and an 11 ounce vanilla shake? About 53 grams. That is more than 450 calories. Only from the fat. Chinese fast food attracts many looking for a leaner choice, but is sweet and sour pork, stir fried spinach greens and 6 steamed pork dumplings actually lean? No. Thirty one grams. One quick meal and you have a large portion of the fat for a day.

Grand Deserts

At the end of the dinner courses, deserts weigh in with the final grams. A piece of the apple pie has 19 to top things off. Better save room for the pie. Even without the frosting, chocolate cake made from a recipe is rich with …

Best Parenting Advice Ever About Kids and Homework

Best Parenting Advice Ever About Kids and Homework

Best Parenting Advice Ever About Kids and HomeworkYou did homework, so did your spouse, so did every kid you have ever known. So, chances are your kids will have to do homework too. But now you are looking at homework from a totally new perspective. You are no longer the one struggling with the assignment or possibly looking for a way out of it all together. Instead you are trying to find good reasons why your child should commit himself or herself readily to the nightly stack of books. You may feel like you have tried everything. After all you’ve done the lectures, the grounding, the cutting off of cell phone privileges. How else does a parent get children to do their homework anyhow? Possibly some of the best parenting advice ever about kids and homework will help you over this necessary hurdle of parenthood.

  1.  Setting the Stage The best parenting advice ever about kids and homework starts where most good drama does with the setting. Kids are no different than adults when it comes to concentration, so when it’s time to sit down and do some serious homework they need a serious setting where they can settle in and get the job done. For the youngest of students this may simply mean clearing off an end of the kitchen table, turning off the television in the adjoining room and making sure there is sufficient light. But for older children a little more care may need to be given.

Children may work best tucked away in their own room with the understanding that while they are working on homework the phone, television and any head banging music is off limits. If they share a room with a sibling, then setting up a reasonable use schedule may need some parental facilitation. Non studying siblings need to be somewhere else if they prove a distraction. Studying together at the same time in the same place is possible but depends upon the nature of the students and can only be determined through trial and error.

Kids who are middle school aged or older may occasionally find the need to use the school or public library for assignments. As parents you need to make sure on your own or with the help of a carpool to see that such a setting can be provided. Where ever they study kids need the correct equipment to succeed. Home study areas should always have …