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The Darth Vader Chronicles – the Darth Workout

The Darth Vader Chronicles - the Darth Workout

Darth Vader from Star Wars really had his things together. So much so, he made ”The Darth Workout.” The highlight of The Darth Workout is the one finger workout where Darth gives you the middle finger with one hand while he does a middle, one finger push-up with the other hand, coupled with the deep-belly evil chuckle that Dr. Evil from Austin Powers is all too familiar with.

Hoo-hahahaha, Hoo-hahahaha, Hoo-hahahaha.

Actually Darth has first rights to that evil chuckle. He was around while Dr. Evil was still a baby. Darth loves showing off, doesn’t he. Well c’mon people, it is pretty impressive. But then Darthy here is from the Dark side, so anything is possible.

Oh, and Darth has decided to add some more ”Darth and Dangerous” techniques to The Darth Workout, using his infamous middle finger all the way. I think it makes him feel better if he secretly gives you the salute, and that evil chuckle. There is the one finger break dancing, one finger chin-ups, one finger hand-stand, one finger bicep and triceps curls, and one finger shoulder press.

Darth has even opened up his own health and fitness center called Darth Fitness with the legendary Darth Workout.

Darth thought he could run the center himself, you know, with ”the power” thing and all, but he later realized he could not be everywhere at once, and believe me he was doing it and doing quite well, until, well, he called on some of his storm troopers, who you could not tell one from the other.

Darth is so popular at his own fitness center, and yes he loves it, because if he did not get that attention, well, he’d kill you with a one finger zap. He even wanted to do the aerobic classes as well. Darth gets a bit carried away at the aerobics classes. He’ll either perve behind his mask with ”Call on Me” by Eric Prydz playing in the background, chuckle to himself with that evil Dr. Evil chuckle, give a sneaky zap, or get in some unanswered middle one finger workouts.

Well, that’s Darth (class) for today, people.