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Daily Archives: October 8, 2020

Food Drive Ideas to Feed the Hungry

Food Drive Ideas to Feed the Hungry

Food Drive Ideas to Feed the Hungry

Conducting a food drive is a great way to help your community. Foods collected can be given to your local food bank, soup kitchens, or church. However, people get confused about how to coordinator a fun and productive food drive. Look below for food drive ideas to feed the hungry.

Dance Party

Have a dance at your local hall or community center. This idea works best in small towns because the food drive dance isn’t competing with big city events, like fairs, concerts, and movie premiers. Admission fees can range from 1 can of food, 2 cans of food, or a couple of dollars and 1 can of food.

A friend of mine had a dance to raise food for the local food bank. She charged $2 and 1 can of food for admission. The D.J. donated his services, the owner of the building gave her a discount, and a couple of volunteers brought appetizers. It was a huge success. She had money left over from the drive, so she donated it to the local pre-school.


People get caught up in competition. It drives us to do our best no matter what it cost. This idea works best on your job. Each department can donate however many cans of food to you for your food drive. The department that donates the most can goods gets a prize.

Get your local businesses involved in donating services or items for your grand prize or second place prize. For instance, a local restaurant can hold a free lunch or dinner for the winning department. Convince the owner to see it as an opportunity to draw paying customers in the future if the food and service is excellent. Co-workers will tell their friends about the experience and dine there with their families.


Get some friends together to sell raffle tickets to their friends, co-workers, and family members for 1 can of food per ticket. Get local businesses involved by asking them to donate prizes, like gift cards, electronics, women’s accessories, kitchen appliances, and tool kits.

If you can’t get local businesses to cooperate, talk to friends who make crafts. Blankets, jewelry, homemade rugs, and baskets are just a few craft items that women go crazy for. Look at the craft shows people swamp every year. People love crafts.

Online Donation

Set up an online food drive by going through Donors …