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Daily Archives: June 12, 2020

Seniors Implementing Chair WorkOuts for Better Health

Seniors Implementing Chair WorkOuts for Better Health

Seniors Implementing Chair WorkOuts for Better HealthSeniors Implementing Chair WorkOuts for Better Health

Everyone needs to exercise, it does not matter how old you are. Exercise is good for people of all ages and sizes. As the body begins to age it is more important to implement a good exercise program. Keeping your body active is the way to a healthier you. Therefore, it is imperative to implement a great exercise program. Chair exercises are a great beginning for seniors to get their bodies healthy. Exercising can improve cognitive behavior, pain relief, and can help with blood circulation. It is recommended individuals exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

Those starting an exercise program should begin working out their upper body first. Your head is an excellent place to start. You will need a straight back chair for these exercises. Sit up straight in the chair with your feet flat on the floor. You will then move your head slowly from side to side. Repeat this for as many times as you desire. Next, try lowering your head to your chest area. This is a chin to chest exercise. You can repeat this exercise as many times as you desire.

Now, it is time to work out your arms. Hold your arms out to the side. Rotate your arms, make circular movements. Rotate your arms forward, then switch and rotate them backwards. You can count in sets or just count each time you rotate your arms. It is a great way to build up muscle tone in your arms.

Some individuals like air boxing. It is just like it sounds. Individuals can make an exercise out of boxing into the air. Make a fist with your hand, and then punch the air. Individuals can switch hands or punch with both hands. This can be done as many times as you desire. It is fun and great way to work out your upper body.

Another great exercise is to extend your legs out in front of you, hold them there, and then lower them. Repeat this for as many times as you desire. After you are done with both legs, try lifting one leg at a time.

All of these exercises can be performed in sets. If you are having trouble getting starting with your exercise program, consider getting a buddy. Exercising with someone can make exercising more enjoyable.

As with starting any exercises it is important to discuss your plans with your …