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Daily Archives: September 22, 2020

Bigger Muscles

Bigger Muscles

Bigger MusclesBigger muscle will happen if you give the body a reason to respond and time for it to grow. The other day I saw a routine for the back that left me scratching my head. Pull ups 4×10, rack pulls 4×5-8, lat pulldowns 3×5-8, bent over rows 3×5-8, seated rows 3×5-8, t bar rows 3×5-8, shrugs 3×12. Wow. How could anyone grow from all that. That is a lot of exercises. That is a huge waste of time. Pull ups and lat pulldowns work the same muscle group on the same plane. The same with the bent over rows, seated rows, and the tbar rows, same exercise plan all training the same muscles. You are doing the same exercise over and over again. Also that is 23 sets, not the back could not handle that, but not every back training day. With that kind of work no wonder this guy is not growing. You want bigger muscles then train for them. Use bigger exercises. You want bigger muscle, then lift like you want bigger muscles. Stopping training with a marathon work routine. Cut back on the sets, add some weight. Cut back on all those exercises, try something bigger. Big muscles call for big exercises. Big exercises call for big weights. Big weights equal bigger muscles. It works every single time.

Using the back as the muscle we want to train lets look at a simple routine. One exercise a day. One muscle group a day. The catch is that most of the big exercises that you will chose form for the chest, back, and the legs are going to involve other muscle groups and exhaust you, so you will not be training often. Giving your body time to grow. The exercises that you would chose from are the deadlift, the power clean, the snatch, the good morning, the bent over row, and the like. All will involve the hamstrings, lower back, traps, biceps, forearms, rear of the shoulders and the abs. That is a lot of muscle to be worked with one exercise. Now the routine itself is rather easy, start with an empty bar. Warm up with an empty bar doing rep after rep of the movement that have chosen. Now after each set add weight, in a basic pyramid. Add weight to each set and doing as many reps as possible. Next add more weight and keep …