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Daily Archives: April 9, 2020

7 Healthy Habits to Help You Live Longer

7 Healthy Habits to Help You Live Longer

7 Healthy Habits to Help You Live LongerIt would seem that now days people are living longer and longer. At the same time there also seems to be a lot of issues that could hinder one’s living to a ripe old age. There are several things you can do to help improve the odds of getting to that ripe old age. Nothing is fool proof of course, but it is definitely worth it to do what you can to live the best life you can.

Some of these suggestions may seem like common sense but you would be surprised on just how many people ignore common sense. Some may not think these things make a big difference but it does. Most people know it will make a difference but choose to do, or in some cases not to do, them anyways.

My first suggestion on a healthy habit perhaps entails you quitting a habit. That is the habit of smoking. If you don’t smoke then that is great! If you do, now is the time to quit. Smoking seems to be one of those habits that we all know is bad but some choose to do it anyways. It is never too late to quit smoking. Even if you have been smoking for 40 years. Quitting now is better than never quitting. It can drastically reduce your risk to life threatening illnesses.

Eating healthy is another one of those common sense things that most of do not pay much attention too. Eating more fruits and vegetables and staying away from high fat foods will greatly improve your chance of living a long and healthy life. There are so many things out there today that we need to stay away from. A few examples are high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, MSG, and a host of other things. When you have the time I urge you to just do a Google search on the above mentioned things. You may be shocked at what you find out.

In today’s busy world most of us do not get as much sleep as we should. Proper sleep is so important to our health and overall well being. When you miss out on much needed sleep it can take you days to catch up. In fact, you may never catch up. Sleep is one thing that needs to be high on your priority list.

Next you need to get moving! Yep, I mean …